Associate Professor

Dr. Kevin Chetty

Kevin is an Associate Professor at University College London (UCL). His research expertise lies in the field of radio-frequency (RF) sensing, and radar signal processing using machine learning.

Assistant Professor

Dr. Shelly Vishwakarma

Shelly is a Lecturer (Assistant Professor) in the Electronics and Computer Science School at University of Southampton (UoS). She has worked as a research fellow in the Department of Security and Crime Sciences, University College London (UCL).

Emeritus Professor

Prof Karl Woodbridge

Karl is Emeritus Professor of Electronic and Electrical Engineering at University College London (UCL).


Prof Paul Brennan

Paul is a Professor of Microwave Electronics and Head of the Sensors, Systems and Circuits Group at University College London (UCL).

Assistant Professor

Dr. Wenda Li

Dr Wenda Li is a Lecturer (Assistant Professor) in the Department of Biomedical Engineering, School of Science and Engineering, University of Dundee (UoD).

Research Fellow

Dr Amin Amiri

Keen RF and antenna engineer.

PhD Student

Chong Tang

Chong is a PhD student in the UCL Department of Security and Crime Science, where he is investigating the applicability of passive Wi-Fi radar technology for occupancy detection and human-skeletal model reconstruction using only Doppler data.

PhD Student

Fangzhan Shi

Fangzhan Shi received the B.Eng. in Telecommunication Engineering in 2017 and M.Sc. in Robotics in 2018 at Hangzhou Dianzi University, China and University College London (UCL) respectively. He worked as an artificial intelligence engineer at Supcon, China in 2019 and 2020.

PhD Student | Visiting Scholar of Bell Labs

Xijia (Simon) Wei

Xijia is a PhD student at the UCL Interaction Centre and a visiting scholar at Bell Labs. His research focuses on sensor fusion-based ubiquitous computing. Specifically, he is exploring multimodal machine learning architectures that allow models to automatically learn communicative features from multisensory data, without human intervention, in order to make robust inferences under various real-life scenarios. Prior to joining UCL, he studied Artificial Intelligence (MSc) and Electronics and Electrical Engineering (BEng) at the University of Edinburgh.

PhD Student

Mr Yuan Fang (Tiger)

Tiger’s research focuses on wireless sensing for robotics and autonomous systems using mmWave and 4D Radar, as well as sensor fusion, deep learning and SLAM.  He received BEng in Electronics and MSc in Robotics from UCL, where he is currently pursuing the Ph.D. degree.